The project 'Impact of COVID-19 protective measures and shielding in vulnerable patients with kidney failure', coordinated by Prof. Marc Hemmelder and Drs Pim Bouwmans (Dept of Internal Medicine), has been granted by ZonMw.
Dr Henri Spronk (Dept of Biochemistry) has been appointed as professor of ‘Biochemistry of Atherothrombosis’ as of 1 May 2024.
On Tuesday 17 December, the CGRM lecture of Jeanine Prompers takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
On Tuesday 3 December, the CGRM lecture of Mairi Brittan takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
On Tuesday 26 November, the CGRM lecture of Juan Jiménez Jáimez takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
On Tuesday 5 November, the CGRM lecture of Lorenzo Moroni takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
On Tuesday 22 October, the CGRM lecture of Tim Hendrikx takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
On Tuesday 8 October, the CGRM lecture of Uli Schotten takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
On Tuesday 24 September, the CGRM lecture of Lisa Heather takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
On Tuesday 17 September, the CGRM lecture of Romaric Lacroix takes place in the meeting room A3-B3, Hospital level 3 and via Zoom.
The following PhD candidates will defend their thesis in September: Mitch Ramaekers, Linsey Peters, Akhil Antony Konkoth, Mohammed Ghossein.